Bottled Water Delivery

Reliable Water Delivery to Your Office or Home

Staying hydrated is an important part of staying healthy. Alpine Valley has a well-known reputation for offering a wide variety of bottled water options with dependable, reliable delivery you can count on. If you are looking for 3-gallon bottles, 5-gallon bottles, or cases of bottled water, Alpine Valley provides many water options to choose from. We serve companies and families throughout the tri-state, including Cincinnati, Ohio; Dayton, Ohio; Northern Kentucky; and Southeast Indiana.

If you’re looking for a safe alternative to tap water, we have four types of water to meet your needs!

What We Believe About Water

All clean waters are good. With our bodies being mostly water, it is imperative we consume products which are free of the undesirables (some are listed below). Our bottled water products come from natural springs or are purified from municipal sources and end up as purified, distilled, or alkaline bottled water products. Additionally, clean water can be consumed through one of our NSF Certified Water filters which runs to our Ice Machines, Coffee Brewers, Water Coolers, or Sparkling Water machines.

When you ask us, which water is best for consumption and hydration, we promote natural spring water. Why? Natural spring waters are naturally clean. They have natural minerals which your body absorbs. And they generally have a more neutral PH than the purified waters. Additionally, they don’t require minerals to be added back to improve the taste which distilled and purified waters can have. In general, spring waters cost a few pennies more per gallon than purified water. Considering water makes up a super majority of your body and hydration is imperative, we think it is smart to go with the best and we recommend our spring waters. Most of our customers choose Spring Water.

If you have additional questions, please feel free to reach out and contact us at 513-672-3400 or email us.

Types of Alpine Valley Bottled Water

Spring water

Spring Water

Spring water comes from water that is derived from an underground formation where water flows naturally to the surface of the earth. Spring water must be collected at the actual spring itself or via a borehole. Spring water collected with external force must be from the same underground layer of rock as the spring, must have all the same physical properties before treatment, and must be of the same composition and quality as the water that naturally flows to the surface.

Purified Water

Purified Water

Purified water is water that has been mechanically processed or filtered by distillation, deionization, reverse osmosis, to remove impurities as defined by U.S. Pharmacopeia. Purified bottled water that has been mechanically treated as mentioned above can also be called “distilled water” if made using distillation; “deionized water” if made using deionization; or “reverse osmosis water” if reverse osmosis was used. The term “drinking water” can be used with any of the purified terms mentioned above (i.e. “purified drinking water” or “reverse osmosis drinking water”).

Distilled water

Distilled Water

Distilled water is a type of purified water. Distilled water is purified with a unique process. The water is boiled into a vapor and then cooled down in another container. The impurities such as heavy metals, pesticides, chemicals, bacteria, and colloidal particles are left behind. This process also leaves the minerals behind, making distilled water a chemically pure water with no minerals.

Alkaline water

Alkaline Water

Alkaline water is bottled water that has a pH higher than 8, making it slightly less acid than typical tap water. Some water may naturally achieve this pH level as a result of the rocks it passes over collecting minerals, but water can also be altered via electrolysis to reach this level of pH by adding nutrients such as such as calcium, potassium, magnesium, or iron. Most alkaline bottled water sold is typically at a pH level of 9.5 or higher.

Mineral water

Mineral Water

Mineral water is natural water that contains at least 250 parts per million of total dissolved solids. Mineral water must naturally contain these minerals – they cannot be added to the water. What makes mineral water special is that it contains these minerals and trace elements when it emerges from its source.

Sparkling water

Sparkling Water

Sparkling water is water that has carbon dioxide bubbles in it. Sparkling water can be naturally carbonated from natural geological processes. It can also be artificially injected with carbon dioxide to make it “sparkle.” In order to meet regulatory requirements, sparkling water must contain the amount of carbon dioxide that it had as it emerged from its original source. Purified water, mineral water and spring water can be labeled as sparkling water.

Did You Know?

While tap water is regulated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), bottled water is a packaged product that is regulated by the Food & Drug Administration (FDA) and, in many cases, has more stringent regulations than those for tap water.

Purified bottled water ≠ “tap water in a bottle”

City “tap water” in a bottle is not the same as “purified” water. In order for water to meet the definition of purified, it must go through the appropriate processing. If it started from a municipal source of water, the bottled water plant would need to use a variety of processes to ensure that it meets the regulatory purified or sterile standard of the U.S. Pharmacopeia 23rd Revision. Those processes can include reverse osmosis, ozonation, de-ionization or distillation in order to comply. Once the processing is completed, the water is bottled using sanitary production methods and is ready to be sold to consumers.

Some skeptics believe that people are unknowingly drinking bottled “tap” water that has not been purified, but this concern is incorrect. While water may start out from a municipal system, it must be properly processed to meet FDA standards in order to be labeled as purified water. If it does not meet the requirements for purified water, the label must name the public water source.